General Terminology
- Aikido: The way of harmony.
- O-Sensei: Great teacher, used to refer to the founder Ueshiba Morihei.
- Uke: One who receives the throw.
- Nage: One who throws or a throw.
- Kamae: Stance assumed when facing an opponent.
- Ma-ai: The combative distance, or proper distance between two partners depending on height and weapons.
- Ai Hamni: Mutual or harmonious stance, where both partners have the same foot forward.
- Gyaku Hamni: Reverse or inharmonious stance, where partners have opposite feet forward.
- Seiza: Correct or calm sitting. Classical Japanese martial arts sitting on knees. (straight, inactive toes).
- Sabaki: Foot work.
- Tenkan: Turning movement used to dissipate force.
- Omote: Forwards.
- Ura: Backwards or behind.
- Ukemi: Falling techniques including rolls (Yoko) and break falls (Tobi).
- Hara: Point below navel which is the body’s approximate center of gravity, point of focus in Aikido.
- Ki: Vital energy, usually demonstrated through subtle yet efficient use of body mechanics.
- Atemi: Defensive strike used to stun your opponent so a technique can be effectively applied.
- Tengatana: Sword hand, used for both parrying and striking based on sword principles.
- Randori/ Jiyu Waza: Training utilizing multiple opponents.
- Dojo: Training hall.
- Bokken or Bokuto: Wooden sword used for training.
- Jo: A wooden staff that is slightly longer in length than a Japanese long sword and about 1 1/4 inches in diameter, whose methodology utilizes both staff and sword techniques.
Basic Aikido Techniques
- Ikkyo: First movement, first principle, first pinning technique.
- Nikyo: Second pinning technique.
- Sankyo: Third pinning technique.
- Yonkyo: Fourth pinning technique.
- Gokyo: Fifth pinning technique.
- Shiho-Nage: Four directions throw/pin (1st pillar of Aikido throws).
- Kote-Gaishi: Wrist turning throw/pin.
- Kokyu-Nage: “Breath” throw.
- Irimi-Nage: Entering throw, 20 year technique (2nd pillar).
- Kaiten-Nage: Open and turn throw, “wheel throw” (3rd pillar).
- Sumi-Otoshi: Corner drop throw.
- Kiri-Otoshi: Cutting throw.
- Juji-Nage: Crossed arms throw.
- Hukiage: Wind up the mountain throw.
- Koshi-Nage: Hip throw.
Basic Aikido Attack
Tachi Waza Standing techniques.
- Mae Seme Attacks from the front.
1. Katate katate dori: Single wrist grab with one hand.
2. Katate mune dori: Chest grab with one hand.
3. Katate kata dori: Shoulder grab with one hand.
4. Ryote katate dori: Single wrist grab with two hands.
5. Ryote ryote dori: Both wrist grab with two hands.
6. Ryote mune dori: Chest grab with two hands.
7. Ryote mune ude dori: Lapel choke with two hands.
8. Shomen uchi: Downward strike to head.
9. Yokomen uchi: Sidewards strike to head or neck.
10. Tsuki: Thrusting punch.
- Ushiro Seme Attacks from the rear.
11. Katate mune dori: One hand grabs chest, one hand grabs wrist.
12. Eri dori: Collar grab single hand.
13. Kubi shime: Two handed choke.
14. Ryote dori: Both wrist grab with two hands.
15. Ryo Kata dori: Both shoulder grab with two hands.
Suwari Waza Kneeling techniques
16. Katate katate dori: Single wrist grab with one hand.
17. Ryote dori: Both wrist grab with two hands.
18. Shomen uchi: Downward strike to head.
Hamni Hadachi Opponent (uke) standing, defender (nage) kneeling techniques.
19. Katate katate tori: Single wrist grab with one hand.
Basic Etiquette
- Onegai Shimasu request to train together (at beginning of class with kneeling bow)
- Arigato Gozaimashta thanks for training (at end of class with kneeling bow)